Organisational Consulting Klinger (OC Klinger) was founded in Berlin in 2001 by German national Inis-Janine Klinger after many years of experience in the consulting industry. OC Klinger is an international consultancy firm operating in Europe, Asia and Australia. Headquarters are located in Singapore with offices in Berlin and Sydney.
Our service portfolio ranges from consulting and conceptualising complex and comprehensive change processes over vision and strategy development to designing group events of up to 1,000 participants to strengthen management and employee engagement.
We believe that authenticity and reliability are our unique selling points. We are driven by constant self-development and open to share our experience.
OC Klinger pursues a systemic approach based on our clients’ individual needs. We explore all relevant areas and processes in depth and evaluate feasibility and sustainability of potential solutions.
All our consultants are committed to consistency and reliability. Openness and trust are major values of our corporate culture. We know that we don’t know everything, so we will just continue to raise questions.
The combination of established management methods with our extensive experience is the key to our strength in implementing projects.
OC Klinger has developed a set of proven solutions for today’s most common business challenges in furthering the development of companies as well as increasing their efficiency.
We combine process consulting with specific know-how in production and supply management based on our client’s specific needs.
Managing Director + Founder
Inis has been an international expert on leadership and organisational development since 1995. She has lived and work in APAC for more than 10 years.
She is consultant, coach and trainer, specialised in leadership development, process consulting as coaching and team development for major project leaders and teams, leading change management projects in global companies. She has been a faculty member of the Witten.Group since 2013.
Further trainings and educational background:
Certified ‘Change Consultant’ awarded by the Management Centre Witten, University Witten Herdecke, Germany
Certified ‘Systemic Supervisor and Organizational Consultant’ awarded by the North German Institute for Short-Term Therapy (NIK)
MSc in Social Studies at Alice Salomon University of Applied Science Berlin
BSc in Organizational Psychology at the Freie Universität Berlin